
The use of We, I or us represents themeid.net

Collection of Data

We ask for your name, address, email and credit card information during checkout so we can apply the correct tax and check your payment details. Some of this information will be kept until we legally have to. Your credit card information is processed by our payment gateway so we only collect what they provide.

Right to remove your data

If you want your data to be removed from the database you should contact support@themeid.net. Your purchases and ability to download any products will be removed. If you want to download the same product(s) you purchased you will have to re-purchase the product(s).

Sharing your Data?

We do NOT share you data. We only collect what we have to by law.

Email spamming

We will not spam you. If you want to remove yourself from our email list then you can fill in the newsletter form again. It will send you an email that will give you an unsubscribe link. If this doesn't work you can email support@themeid.net


We use cookies for analytics, ecommerce basket/checkout features and the cookie message. Cookies are necessary for themeid.net to function properly so if you don't want to allow them then you should leave the site.

Misuse of the website

If you misuse the website for any reason then it is possible to be banned and you will no longer be able to make purchases or download your purchases.


I am not liable for any financial loss you may incur whilst using any product you purchase from ThemeID.net.

Changing the terms

Themeid.net can change the terms at any time.